Sale!Ashwagandha Powder (अश्वगंधा / अश्वगंधा पावडर) 100 g = 100 ₹ 250 g = 250 ₹ 500 g = 450 ₹ 1000 g = 800 ₹
Sale!Pippali Powder (Long Pepper/ पिप्पली पावडर) 50 g = 150 ₹ 100 g = 250 ₹ 250 g = 480 ₹ 500 g = 950 ₹ 1000 g = 1800 ₹
AVS Dasamularishtam 450 ml
KOTTAKKAL ARYA VAIDYA SALAINDICATIONS: Cardio-pulmonary ailments, dyspepsia, loss of libido. Quick-acting herbal tonic during convalescence. Improves stamina and vitality. -
AVS Aswagandharishtam 450 ml
INDICATIONS: Useful in mental stress. Improves stamina and vitality -
Himalaya Trikatu 60 Tablets
Relieves indigestionThe active constituents present in Trikatu, Piperine and Gingerols, stimulate digestive enzyme responsible for healthy digestion. -
Himalaya Shatavari 60 Tablets
Promotes lactation Shatavari supports lactating mothers by improving prolactin hormone levels, ensuring optimum breastfeeding. 60 Tablets = 165 ₹ -
Himalaya Haridra 60 Tablets
Relieves allergyThe anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Haridra assist in preventing the progression of diabetes-related changes in organs like the kidneys, retina, nerve cells, and minute blood vessels in the body. -
Himalaya Arjuna 60 Tablets
Versatile cardioprotectiveArjuna helps in improving coronary artery blood flow, reducing the chances of clot formation, and protects the heart muscles. -
Himalaya Tagara 60 Tablets
Promotes restful sleepTagara calms the mind by interfering with brain chemicals (GABA) that communicate information between the nerve cells in the brain. -
Himalaya Brahmi 60 Tablets
Improves alertness Brahmi helps calm the mind, promote clarity of thought, and memory consolidation. 60 Tablets = 165 ₹ -
Himalaya Ashvagandha 60 Tablets
Helps Boost Immunity and Overall Endurance
Ashvagandha builds strength and immunity by improving the overall capacity of the body to fight infections and diseases. -
Sale!Arjuna Sal Powder (अर्जुन पावडर) 100 g = 100 ₹ 250 g = 150 ₹ 500 g = 420 ₹ 1000 g = 800 ₹
Sale!Brahmi Powder (ब्राह्मी) 100 g = 80 ₹ 250 g = 180 ₹ 500 g = 350 ₹ 1000 g = 550 ₹
Sale!Shatavari Powder( शतावरी पावडर) 100 g = 80 ₹ 250 g = 200 ₹ 500 g = 370 ₹ 1000 g = 700 ₹