Hello Readers,

Ever wondered, what are those tiny blue bottles on the shelves of the shops, and why are they so expensive for their size? Well, my first essential oil buy was back when I was a teenager, My mother bought a bottle of orange essential oil for my terrible smelling backpack which apparently had a half-eaten bag of chips that turned soggy and gave the nauseatic smell. No amount of washing or spraying perfume helped me get rid of that smell. We tried diluting a few drops of Orange essential oil with water, sprayed the mix in the backpack, and let it air-dry overnight. And VOILLA!! My backpack smelt of a yard of oranges and that pretty much impressed me!

What are Essential Oils?

Essentials Oils; popularly called the EO’s are concentrated oil compounds derived from plants, flowers, and leaves. They are aromatic compounds that capture the plant’s essence, scent, or flavor, giving each EO a characteristic aroma. They are derived by the process of distillation, and the condensed distillate is the essential oil.

How do they work?

Being extremely concentrated in nature, they are used carefully in a combination of mere few drops to work its magic.

  • When inhaled.
  • Essential oil molecules affect the Limbic system of the body, regulating and correcting the endocrine functions of the body. And have a significant effect on the emotional response of the brain, eventually the behavior of the individual.
  • When applied on the skin.
  • Essential oils are generally mixed with carrier creams or oils like almond oil, olive oil, argan oil, jojoba oil when applied to the skin to prevent harsh reactions because of their concentrated nature. Skin being the most permeable, it absorbs the oils and they start working at the sweat glands, hair follicles, and when massaged, they work on muscle tissue as well as are therapeutic. Unlike some exceptions like the Lavender essential oil, known for its anti-anxiety properties and heavenly aroma; it can be applied to the skin directly, namely on pulse points. Although a patch test is highly recommended.

Note– Essential oils are NOT recommended for ingestion, or direct application on genitals, eyes, open wounds, or skin.

Uses of Essential oils.

Uses of Essential oils when Inhaled.

  • Insomnia – Inhaling a few drops on Essential oils like Frankincense EO, Lavender EO, Cedarwood EO, Chamomile EO, with or without carrier oils or with a blend of EO’s helps you dozing off and getting that beauty sleep you were deprived of!

You can also DIY a pillow spray with 3 ingredients that will make you sleep like a baby. Mix 1 tablespoon of witch hazel/vodka + 1 tablespoon of distilled water + 5-6 drops of Lavender essential oil and store in a spray bottle. Spray it on your pillow before sleeping, and this calming aroma is going to help you relax and sleep better.

  • Anxiety- Inhaling Frankincense EO, Patchouli EO, and most importantly Lavender EO has worked wonders for me. Rubbing EO on your collar before stepping out or just inhaling them makes a major difference…makes me feel like I float into a bubble, literally. Diffusing EO helps with anxiety.
  • Immunity booster- Inhaling citrus essences like Orange EO, Eucalyptus EO, and Cinnamon EO keep diseases at bay and boost immunity.
  •  Libido- As I said, EO’s are great in bed! Inhaling Geranium EO, Ylang Ylang EO, Lime EO, Clove EO are proved to improve performance and act as excellent aphrodisiacs.
  • Clearing the Aura- Well, being a strong believer in vibes and auras, this is my personal favorite way to use the EO blends. EO’s have a pleasant, calming aroma that wards off negative or unsettling vibes from your aura and your home. It is suggestive to diffuse EO’s every fortnight for a clearer, peaceful aura.
  •  Instant mood lifters- Inhaling EO’s have proven to elevate your mood in minutes! Well, I use them after a bad day at work, and inhaling them makes me much happier, calmer, and settled.  Use them in the bath for your very own spa experience. Well, my personal favorite is using the Lavender EO, but Peppermint EO, Orange EO, works just the same!

Uses of essential oils when applied on the skin.

  • Skin diseases- Eczema, Acne, Wrinkles, Scars, Dry skin, anything you name, EO’s have amazing healing properties when it comes to skin conditions.
  • Hair and Scalp- Working best on the scaly scalp, dandruff, hair growth, and overall hair health, EO when mixed with carrier oils and applied, give you mind-blowing results. My experience with Tea tree EO for dandruff worked like magic! I got rid of dandruff in a couple of washes and dandruff is a long lost friend who never came back! Frankincense EO, Rose EO, Tea Tree EO, are some of the most effective oils. I’m currently using a blend of Rosemary EO with olive oil to grow out my Bob haircut, which is working pretty well!
  • Perfume- Essential oils smell so heavenly that you can use a single EO or blend a couple of them together and create your very own personalized perfume. Mix a few drops of EO with a tablespoon of carrier oil of your choice and pour the mixture into a roll-on bottle. You can apply this customized perfume to your pulse points; wrists, behind the ears, on your neck, and smell Oh so good!! the entire day!

Buying Essential oils.

Well, it can be tempting to buy every bottle on the shelf and trying them right away! You need to keep a few things in mind.

  •  Essential Oils are expensive. A tiny bottle can cost you anything from Rs. 400 to Rs. 1500.  I suggest you go easy on the splurge, EO’s are an investment so I think building a steady, mindful set is important. Try the basic set of oils first.

Essential oil recommendation for beginners-

Frankincense EO, Lemon EO, Lavender EO, Peppermint EO, Tea tree EO.

  •  Always, ALWAYS do a patch test. EO’s are highly concentrated oil compounds that can be reactive on sensitive skin also some of the oils are phototoxic. So always do a patch test before buying. OR If you have a friend who uses EO’s ask them to help you out with it.
  • Choose natural oils. There are natural and synthetic oils in the market, and it can be quite confusing on differentiating between the two; Do ‘The smell test.’ Naturally derived essential oils are concentrated, mild in smell but not overwhelming. Whereas; Synthetic essential oils contain toxic chemicals, artificial fragrances that are pungent, strong-smelling and give a slight kick in your nose when you smell them. Also, the entire room smells of the EO, when you open the bottle.
  • Essential oils can take some time to tune down with your body. Initially, you might get a little nauseatic of the essence, or there are chances that you might not like them at all. But from my personal experience, I can tell that giving your body some time to adjust to it will make a major difference, and sooner or later you will tune to it.
  •  Essential oils do not have an expiry date, they don’t grow molds or fungus but they do require special care and storage. Oils are more likely to attract dust particles, so cleaning them regularly is necessary. EO’s are photosensitive, so choose dark-colored glass bottles for storage. Securing the cap tightly after every use can help in retaining the essence of the oil. Also, store them in a clean, cool, dry, and dark place.

On a conclusive note, Essential oils are essential in our beauty routine with their endless benefits and healing properties! Investing in them is a wise move that can make a huge difference in your beauty game and also the way your abode smells!!

-Dr. Gayatri Shinde.